Episode 6: Matt Hall compares the F18 & F15

Some time back Grant & Steve recorded their first chat with Matt Hall who flew F/A-18 Hornets with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and F-15 Strike Eagles with the United States Air Force (USAF) on exchange, including a tour of combat in Iraq. After leaving the RAAF he spent two seasons flying in the RedBull AirRace.

Matt gives us a great comparison between flying the F15 and the F/A-18 and also explains the differences in air-to-air refueling methods as the F/A-18 uses a “probe & drogue” system while the F15 uses the “flying boom” system. Both methods have their issues for the pilot trying to refuel and it’s interesting to hear which method he prefers.

He also describes how he won the trust of his fellow pilots in the USAF and the difference between arrogance & confidence. You can hear the full interview with Matt on Episode 7 of Plane Crazy Down Under.

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Episode 5: Way Down Under in Antarctica

Grant & Steve chat with Dan Colbourne from SkyTraders about flying an Airbus A319 between Melbourne and Antarctica once or twice a week. He also talks about the weather conditions & atmospheric anomalies he’s encountered, animals they’ve seen and what it’s like flying the CASA C212s that are based there over the summer season.

While the C212s get ferry tanks installed for the long flight from Tasmania to Antarctica (and have a “point of no return” on the way), the A319 has enough fuel to fly to Antarctica and back with enough spare to cover contingencies.

You can hear the whole interview with Dan (and more) in our 90+ minute Antarctica episode on the Plane Crazy Down Under podcast.

SkyTrader's A319 on the ice runway in Antarctica SkyTraders CASA C212 flying over Antarctica
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Episode 4: Coordinating an Airshow

Grant talks about his recent trip to Tweed Heads and the Gold Coast where he hung out at the Gold Coast International Airport (YBCG) for a while. He went for a ride in a Cirrus SR22 and then spent an hour flying an A320 simulator.

We then play a chat we had with the three volunteers who provided Unicom and Coordination services during the recent Melton Centenary Airshow. You can hear more of the interviews we recorded at Melton in our Back to the Airshow episode.

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Episode 3: Air Traffic Control in Australia

We’re joined by Phil Vabre from the Airways Museum who gives us a quick view of the history of Air Traffic Control in Australia including some of the more famous crashes that drove development of new technologies & processes. He then describes the current Air Traffic Control system in Australia with its two main control centres in Brisbane & Melbourne that cover the whole country, the four remote control units, 28 control towers and our use of ADSB.

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Episode 2: B24 Liberator Restoration

We quickly discuss Australia’s recent federal election then move into a review of a nearby B24 Liberator restoration project, including a chat with John Temby (the project’s president) and Ed Crabtree (a B24 pilot during WWII).

You can hear all the interviews and our discussions about the project in our Save the Liberator episode. You can also learn more about this amazing restoration project at their website (http://b24australia.org.au/).

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